CM Yogi Adityanath had recently targeted Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi for carrying a bag with "Palestine" written on it. In response to this, Asaduddin Owaisi, the Member of Parliament from Hyderabad and the leader of All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (AIMIM), took aim at CM Yogi's statement.
During a session in the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, CM Yogi had said, “A Congress leader (Priyanka Gandhi Vadra) entered the Parliament House carrying a bag with ‘Palestine’ written on it.” He further added, “Youth from UP are working in Israel. Over 5,600 youths from UP have already gone to Israel for work. There is a guarantee of security. Recently, Israel's ambassador visited and expressed interest in taking more youth from UP because they are doing great work. The world is now noticing UP’s skill power.”
In response to these comments, Asaduddin Owaisi shared CM Yogi's post on X (formerly Twitter) and wrote, "The Government of India is advising Indians not to travel to Israel. This is clear evidence of the failure of both the BJP’s state and central governments. Poor and desperate people are being forced to go to a place like Israel for work. If there were job opportunities here, why would anyone go to Israel for labor? Yogi can worship Israel as much as he wants, but India still receives the highest remittances from Arab countries.”
Priyanka Gandhi’s ‘Palestine’ Bag Controversy
It is worth noting that Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi had carried a bag with “Palestine” written on it when she entered the Parliament. This act sparked a major controversy, with BJP leaders attacking her. Union Minister S.P. Baghel remarked that Priyanka Gandhi had carried the bag to appease Muslim voters. This isn’t the first time Priyanka Gandhi has shown support for Palestine.
भारत सरकार खुद भारतीयों को सलाह दे रही है कि वे इज़राइल की यात्रा न करें। यह तो भाजपा के राज्य और केंद्रीय सरकारों की नाकामी का ठोस सबूत है कि मजबूर गरीब लोगों को इज़राइल जैसी जगह काम पर जाना पड़ रहा है। अगर यहाँ रोजगार के अवसर होते तो कोई इज़राइल मजदूरी करने क्यों जाता? योगी…
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) December 17, 2024